It's been a busy time.... September 12 2013

So the new website is up and running! We hope you like it.  We've still to put more images up on the front page but we're having a little shoot next week and they will added soon.  The past two weeks have been incredibly busy, sending order here, there and everywhere!  Some Munro bags and toiletry bags off to the British Museum

As well as the last of our gorgeous vintage kimono clutches, ready for the new Shunga exhibition taking place in October.  

The new McGonagall - so called because it's teamed Harris Tweed with waxed cotton from Halley Stevenson in Dundee and we thought the name was a poetic (sorry!) choice...

... has gone off to the lovely Vintage Hound shop in Winchester along with the Freya Messenger, belts and bow clutches.  

Lots of the gents toiletry bags have been sent to France, Germany, Norway, the US and now we're working on a very large order for a wonderful magazine who want to give them as gifts to all their advertising clients!  

Some new designs still to come - a new handbag, a new manbag, some more of the ever popular Hepburn range and a few more scarves....  coming soon.