COMING SOON! April 02 2023, 0 Comments
It's been a very busy year so far catching up with Bespoke orders from pre and post Christmas. There's been so many that I've decided to have a hiatus from that for a while, as the website gets restocked - because at the moment, there really is no accessories available. Catching up with the backlog after having an extended bout of Covid over Christmas and New Year really slowed the output down - apologies for inconvenience but the bespoke facility will be back later in the summer.
And I hope the lack of stock hasn't put people off coming back to the store - normal service will be resumed as very shortly - it's the joy of everything being handmade in the studio in Edinburgh. It all takes times to craft the designs and because of the time and care that goes into it, we hope you appreciate it even more when it arrives in the post.
What's coming? Well, this year is a big year for Catherine Aitken brand - it's been twenty years since I created the first collection. Ican barely believe it. Look out for various styles that have been popular over the years as they make a come back in way of celebration - more on that later.
A new Zero Waste Collection will be available, and a new recycled Renaissance range, as well as the classic styles that you will have seen over the years.
So do come back - we're looking at a post Easter launch. If you want to know exactly when the new stock will be available, then why now join the mailing list?