MAKER OF THE MONTH AT CONCRETE WARDROBE... November 05 2017, 0 Comments

Delighted to say that November we're Maker of the Month at the fabulous Concrete Wardrobe on Broughton Street Edinburgh!  This is a wonderful shop that champions Scottish craft and design and 12 times a year they invite one of their designers to take part.  This means a featured area in the shop where much more stock can be displayed - and there's a fabulous range there.  From our little Tetra Tweed Pouches to the Wanderlust 4Way backpacks and including messenger bags and handbags on the way.  It's a mix of Harris Tweed and Waxed Cotton - two of my featured materials in this collection.  If you have time - do go and visit - it's a great opportunity to see the range and quality of the designs at first hand and available to purchase!  Concrete Wardrobe is also full of beautiful beautiful other things, I don't imagine you'll leave emptyhanded.  Thanks Concrete Wardrobe!