OCH!TOBER! October 04 2019, 0 Comments

Hoots Maun!  It's Och!tober!  Lots of exclamation marks there....  

Och!tober is my take on a new exhibition that's coming up at Coburg Studios during the last weekend of the month and the first weekend in November.  Inspired by 'Inktober' we decided to take the underlying ethos of producing one work of art per day and apply it to ourselves as we work through October.  Everyone is taking a different inspiration instead of Ink(tober) - someone is doing Pinktober and another designer maker is doing Socktober - so it's going to be fun and something very different.  I've chosen Och!tober - inspired by the fact that I use mostly Scottish materials in my designs and this month will be completely so.  So expect to see Harris Tweed, Scottish Deerskin Leather, Waxed Cotton and Scottish Linen.  

The first weekend may also show some designs in progress as we work feverishly towards creating something everyday for the whole month.  

More information soon on the other participants soon.  

The dates and times are:

Saturday and Sunday 26th and 27th October 11am until 4pm

Saturday and Sunday 2nd and 3rd November 11am until 4pm

I hope you can visit Och!tober!